Well this week has been a nightmare!
me and travi have been playing the game catch my virus....not fun at all!
so were both sick and crabby and on top of that im a hormonal monster with pregnancy sickness....yay,fun!
I feel so phsically drained...how to you entertain a very active toddler when all u wanna do is sleep and puke??????
today i passed out on the couch and awoke to travis standing on the kitchen table calling random ppl with my cell....what????
so weve been in the house all week long and it was time to break free and smell the cold air again so we ventured out to the bead store , i just had to pick out a few things and travi ran behind the desk , he was too quick for me to catch and a vision flashed before my eyes of travi spilling beads everywhere...i was like we need to go before we get in a lot of trouble!!!
hes feeling a lot better which is good...i just hope the same for myself since we leave for nj tomorrow...yay a 10 hr road trip!!!
keep our family in your thoughts and prayers....