Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Day b4 Christmas EVE!!!

Well TOmoroow is Christmas eve and i finished my Christmas shopping last night and got all my goodies for Christmas dinner....yummy!

Its a wonderful season to get excited about... the decorations,the Chrostmas specials,the smells, The music,the excitement of children especially my lil Travi learning about Santa and how he briings him presents...

He was in walmart shoiting ho ho ho Merry Christmas!
the lady behind the deli counter was saying to everyone .."Santa is Here"

Its also very easy to get so wrapped up and forget what this season is all about.
I am guilty as charged. I was so wrapped up into all the holiday specials making sure Travi understood Santa and all the bells aand whistles that came along with him and when we were saying Happy Birthday Jesus in church he looked confused.

I felt really convivted about that and its just as important or more for him to know the reason of the holiday.
Jesus....the reason of the season!

I dont know if its because we dont have a lot of money this yr because of just having a baby or andys brain surgery or we got a few things for each other and the kids but
im actuallly really enjoying the Christmas season instead of getting frustrated because theres not enough time for shopping and wrapping madness. It was really simple this yr and i have really enjoyed simple...

Its almost like we are brainwashed that the holidays are sopposed to be money and tons of presents,and shopping galore...we have to train ourselves that its not all about that...thats how we were raised to think what Christmas is all about!

We support a lil girl from bolivia going on 5 yrs now and when i got her handmade Christmas card in the mail...i cryed this is what its all about...!!!

My sister is headed to Russia in a few days to bring hope and love to the street kids and orphans, and im more than thrilled that she has a heart to follow after God to do that!
Thats what Christmas is all about to bring hope to the hopeless, Love to the brokenhearted, and Jesus to a ppl who are hurting!

I have a poem i recieved in the mail I'd love to share...

santa lives at the north pole. Jesus is everywhwere

santa rides in a sleigh. Jesus rides on the wind aand walks on water

santa comes in once a yr. Jesus is an ever present help.

santa fills your stockings with goodies. Jesus supplys all your needs.

santa comes down your chimney uninvited. Jesus stands at your door and knocks,and ebters your heart.

you have to stand in line to see santa. Jesus is as close as the mention of his name.
santa lets you sit on his lap. Jesus lets you rest in his arms.

santa doesnt know your name. Jesus knew our name before we did,knows our history,future,and how many hairs are on our head.

santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly. Jesus has a heart full of love.
santa offers Ho Ho Ho. Jesus offers hope,health, and help.

santa says you better not cry. Jesus says: " cast your cares uopn me for i care for you."

santas lil helpers make toys. Jesus makes new life,mends wounded hearts,repairs broken homes,and builds mansions.

santa may make you chuckle,but Jesus gives you joy that is your stregnth.

while santa puts gifts under your tree. Jesus became our gift aand died upon the tree.

Its obvious there is really no comparison. We need to remember WHO Christmas is all about. We need to put Christ back in Christmas!


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!

Heres some holiday pics...its been a while i know..
but enjoy!
a longer post coming soon...
Merry Christmas!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jumping Joeys...

2nd pic i was trying to get him jumping in mid air...he jumped from the top like 10 times
he was so funny he was standing on the parachute and they were all waiting for him to get off so they could lift it up again...

my cutie boy having fun!

We had so much fun today at " Jumping Joeys" with the moms club!
Travi was nonstop for 2 hrs ,it was nice for mommy too!
It was nice to be able to socialize with some of my friends and get out of the house with everything going on in my life right now...
Travi was enjoying playing with his friends too,he just had a ball...
He absolutely didnt want to leave,that was quite the
We'll have to go back soon
not bad for non stop play for 5$
Thats my kinda

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lovely Layla!

A pic of my cutie neice on the Beach!!!

Jenna is home from the hospital!

Travi comforting Jenna
My Poor Baby with her IV in tact

After a huuuuuge scare a few days before Andys scheduled surgery

Jennas temp was 102.8

and we had to admit her to the hospital!

I'm telling ya when it rains it pours...

my family just drove in to meet her the night before and she had to soend 48 hrs in the hospital...

She had many tests including a spinal tap...(very painful it sounded)

to make sure it wasnt viral menangitis and alot of other scarry tests ....but they all came back negetive and sent her home with just a bug...Thank God!!!

Poor babay! They had to stick her so many times because it was hard to find her vain...

I think Aunt Kathy got to soend a whole whopping 1 and 1/2 days with her

And then she flys home and ends up catching what she had and had to be admitted to the hospital for a few days....:/

Andys brother came for the weekend but the whole fam couldnt come for the week like we planned because she was advised to stay away from kids for a while...:(

Wednesday, August 5, 2009



so today is one of them stressful "am i ever gonna get thru this dayz"...

All morning long nothing would satisfy Travis. He couldnt find a single toy,coloring page,tv show that he would sit for more than 5 mins.

I put out puzzles tried to have him help me do things around the house...but everything was a temp,not even warm...

I guess its just one of those days with him.

Me and Andy have started timeout with him. He has to sit 2 mins in the chair after we give him a warning....and if it excedes 3 or more he goes to his room with the door shut...

well he's had them all today.

He got so mad at me when i was feeding sissy today that he climbed and got his crayon and scribbled all on the couch,as as i put her down to reach for the crayon he scribbled more drop it and ran.

The little stinker knows what he's doing...

Finally he handed me a dvd and said Elmo!

so he watched elmo for 30 mins straight after lunch...whew , Thank God

Then it was time for naptime...i said 1 song ...i sang the song and as i started to get up he followed me and had a major meltdown, i said get back in bed and he did. the moment i left the room he was throwing himself against the door i let it go for a while went back in and siad back in bed,closed the door and again slamming things against the door,opening it and doing a belly flop on the carpet,screaming at the top of his lungs....i gave him something to cry about...but sometimes it doesnt even seem to faze him after i left he got back up and did it all over again for 45 mins...its like where do u draw the line?

Do i let him just bang the door down ?

I know he's going through a transition right now, but i feel like he doesnt respect me at times...If it was Andy he wouldnt be doing that!!!

Suggestions Please!!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

It's a WV weekend!

These were taken with my the quality isnt that great,but we had a fun time in WV this weekend.
Pawpaw is still in the hospital recovering from his surgery and we got to visit him today...

Suprisingly Travi did good in the room. I could tell he wanted pawpaw to hold him at times but the nurse gave him medicine suringes and he was occupied with putting them together and taking them apart!

Pawpaw got to meet jenna for the first time,and she was content laying on the bed with him, although we couldnt get her to wake up.

We told him we'll come back at 4-5 am shes always up then....haha

We had Mawmaw and Pawpaws house all to ourselves ths weekend, it felt like we were at a hotel!

I guess I'm going to have to leave Mawmaw a tip for damages...haha
Hey Mawmaw-----((dont eat yellow snow))

We went to our old friend susie's and Travi had fun running around with her kids playing with thier toys and eating ice cream!

Sissy had fun laying around looking cute!

Tomorrow we are headed to one knows were here for the weekend so we'll suprise them by bringing our new baby! :)

Well one surgery down and one to far so good!
Until next time

see ya...<3

Monday, July 27, 2009

Our Sunday Best!

Mommy and Jenna
Travi passed out on the way home from church....such a buja!

Jenna in her dress...her first day at church!

I love this pic....what a personality...haha

Daddy and his baby girl!

Mawmaw and Jenna
We had a good time bringing Jenna to church for her first time....everyone thought she was the most beautiful thing....I know shes the most beautiful thing!!!
I think every mom thinks that...haha
But Travi kept saying: "my baby"
i guess so everyone knew it was his
It was so nice having my mother-in-law hee for a week ....the extra hands were so nice to have. especially since im still sore from surgery and Travi can be a handful at times...:)
well until next time.....see ya!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Welcome to our world,baby girl!!!

sun bathin baby

I love this pic and had to share...He is so in Love with his sissy...he tells everyone, i gotta baby!

Here are some pics from the hospital and our first few days home.

Jenna came down with some jaundice so we are headed to test her again tomorrow

she was 17.9 today if it goes up she may need to go to the hospital to get some photo therapy...if it goes down between today and tomorrow she can do some therapy at home

we pray that she can do this at home with us!

Hope you enjoy the pics and we'll keep you updated!!!

The Hayes Family

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Jenna Is Here

Jenna arrived on monday morning at 1:00 am

after 22 hrs of labor ,mommy had a c-section and

she was 7 lbs 10 ounces

20 inches

black hair

tan complexion

I call her my polish princess...haha

Shes a doll and we are a very happy family!!!

the pics arent very good quality there from my phone in the hospital

ill be uploading some more soon now that were home!!!


The Hayes Family

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Getting Ready!

I had to share!!! lol
we were organizing Jenna's room and i snapped a few pics with my phone.
There not the best quality...
Ill be 38 weeks fri...almost there
trying to get our ducks in a row...")