Saturday, August 15, 2009

Jenna is home from the hospital!

Travi comforting Jenna
My Poor Baby with her IV in tact

After a huuuuuge scare a few days before Andys scheduled surgery

Jennas temp was 102.8

and we had to admit her to the hospital!

I'm telling ya when it rains it pours...

my family just drove in to meet her the night before and she had to soend 48 hrs in the hospital...

She had many tests including a spinal tap...(very painful it sounded)

to make sure it wasnt viral menangitis and alot of other scarry tests ....but they all came back negetive and sent her home with just a bug...Thank God!!!

Poor babay! They had to stick her so many times because it was hard to find her vain...

I think Aunt Kathy got to soend a whole whopping 1 and 1/2 days with her

And then she flys home and ends up catching what she had and had to be admitted to the hospital for a few days....:/

Andys brother came for the weekend but the whole fam couldnt come for the week like we planned because she was advised to stay away from kids for a while...:(

1 comment:

Aunt Mary said...

Babies and Mom's should be immune to all this stuff. God bless you all. Hope Dad is doing ok, good thing he wasn't home yet