Monday, May 18, 2009

3D Pics of Jenna Grace

so cute...her yawning here

i like this one cuz it looks like 2 faces next to each!

Pics of my 3D baby Girl!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day...Jerzey Style!!!

Travi dancing to the music

Travi for dinner

travi on the whip ride

Uncle Bid and Aunt Pinny on the sky scraper

Uncle bid and Aunt pinny ready to take off

sorry about the belly shirts are getting

The Dizzy Dragon


The Fun House

Coaster Ride

Lindsay and Trav on the coaster

Travis Fav ride!!!


Boat Ride

My sweet Baby!

SO we had a great Mothers Day as you can see!
After church Travi and mom slept and took a loooong nap....
and then We all went to the Beach and went on some rides,ate good food ,and enjoyed the sites!
Overall It was a happy day and Travi gave me lots of laughs and kisses...i couldn't of asked for more for Mother's Day!!!!