Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Be gone sickness in Jesus name!!!

So weve been dealing with the sickness again here at the Hayes'.
I took Travis to the doc because hes been coughing through the night real bad.

And when the doc entered the room travis lit up...he loves his doc and he loves Travis!
Travi wanted nothing to do with me and he wanted to sit on the doctors lap and play with all the tounge pressers,and medicine holders he had in his pocket!

Travi even layed on the bed without me...just him and the doc while he checked his ears,nose, and mouth...i was so proud of him...he didnt need me at all......waaaaaaaaaa...:(

and it was so cute at the very end of his exam when the doc was shining the light in his mouth Travi looked at him and opened his mouth and leaned in to kiss him. I dont think the doc knew what he was doing but it was so cute and funny!

the uncute part is he has a sinus infection and maybe the start of asthma...lets hope and pray not ,he has a few of the symptoms though...

so the doc wants him on a few nebulizer treatments a day until he stops coughing through the night.
I laughed thinking how im going to tame this child strap him on my lap and put a mask on him for 10-15 mins a pop...

last night was the first night and it looked like he was having an exorcism in andys lap for 3 mins and then he gave in...
so we dont use the mask just hold the end up to his nose and mouth...

Its so funny when we take it out now he runs to the chair like he knows whats coming next!

on another note he has been singing Christmas songs with my in the van!
we bang on the air when the lil drummer boy comes on and he giggles and copies me...
he s so funny!
as for me ive been dealing with some nasea but hopefully that will end soon...i hope

Be gone sickness In Jesus NAME!!!


Krista said...

I finally got my comments to post!!=)
I feel bad he's sick..poor little guy..and I hope he does not have asthma!!
That is aboslutely adorable he kissed the Dr...and was so good with him--what a cutie he is!
I was cracking up when I was reading your excerpt about the treatment, haha!!
Can't wait to seee you guyssss on and miss you!!! xoxo

Krista said...

I feel bad he's sick..and I hope he does not have asthma!!
That is aboslutely adorable he kissed the Dr...and was so good with him--what a cutie he is!
I was dying when I was reading your excerpt about the treatment, haha!!
Can't wait to seee you guyssss on and miss you!!! xoxo

Krista said...

I feel bad he's sick..and I hope he does not have asthma!!
That is aboslutely adorable he kissed the Dr...and was so good with him--what a cutie he is!
I was dying when I was reading your excerpt about the treatment, haha!!
Can't wait to seee you guyssss on and miss you!!! xoxo