Sunday, April 12, 2009

Dying Eggs for the easter Bunny

my big belly in the way

We had a good time getting ready for Easter!
Travi had fun dying the eggs especially putting his hands in the food coloring and eating it....yukk
He wasnt so gentle about putting the eggs in the bowls either..haha
they may have all been cracked because he was getting excited.
at one point he got confused and put an egg in his mouth and looked at us like whoops...
I will be putting up some pics of Easter Day very soon...
Happy Ressurection Day!!!

1 comment:

Heather D said...

Cute. I accidently used ammonia (what was I thinking) had to throw that batch out as soon as I smelled and realized what I did. So, kids had to wait. Good times. Travis is getting so big and CUTE.