sorry for the lack of posts...ive been working hard on getting my business up and running....Lots of new faces and im excited about it!
And a brand spankin new family webpage is in the works with a lot more room for updates,pics...etc
but for now Andy got a pet scan yesterday to see if theres cancer anywhere else...he gets the results tomorrow from it. so i will keep you posted on that.The Docs also took him off of the Chemo drug until the MRI so maybe his rash and sores can heal.
Im not sure of the date but late this month he is getting another MRI so keep a 100% recovery in your prayers.
We are all (ESPEACIALLY ANDY) just worn out and want this to be over more than anything else in this world....
To be able to wake up and know its all going to be ok is the desire of my heart. its so hard not to know an outcome.
I guess where that Trusting comes in but still very hard to do at times...
Also please keep our son Travis in your prayers.
Hes having some major outbursts and fits of rage that i dont think it normal....every 3 yr old has meltdowns,tantrums...etc
but tonight i gave him hugs after i sang him songs....and he wanted one more and i shut the be there all night if he played the one more game over and over...
and as most nights he wigged kicked,screamed,banged at the door....but then he took his lamp and ripped it from the outlet and was smashing it against the door. took his dresser apart in a rage...when we opened the door to see what was going on...he flew out and threw himself down the stairs because he was mad he didnt get one more wasnt accidental he did a swan dive and hit midway down. i was just so upset watching this. he didnt even flinch when he reached the bottom he was running and screaming because he knew andy was headed after was bad!
most nights we have to hold his door while he screams and bangs until he falls asleep...
or hell play us all night and demand his way.....he told me the other day that Travi calls the
We've been sticking to the 1 2 3 magic for christian parents and it has worked really well.. better than anything and weve tried it all!
but the bedtime i am just lost....
Is this normal?
suggestions please
PS: the spanking thing does not doesnt even faze him
1 comment:
Aww Kells! I will pray for travi... AND YOU!! I know it is especially hard on mommy!! Spanking doesnt really work on Keryll either!! He thinks its funny. We switched Kerylls door lock (so we can lock him in). I know it sounds horrible... but it was a matter of safety for him and Aiya! Vitaly usually tries to make up fun games so keryll wants to go to sleep and not get out of his bed. Their favorite is pretending his bed is a rocket ship and he is flying to the moon to save so and so from such and such... they talk about what they might find on the moon and who else might be there. we only let him have a few toys in his room during night night time and if he doesnt go to sleep we take them away (he screams but next time we threaten he listens). If he is playing quietly we just let him be...Its hard, especially with two!!!!! Love you <333
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