Friday, October 15, 2010

Bye Bye Tumors!!!

Ok so today is a go0o0o day for us!
Andy had 2 mris this week  the full spine and the full brain...we dont have the brain reports yet but the 2 sections of the spine he got done was lumbar and thoractic....
Where there once were tumors on the lumbar are no more....not docs words but the report says there clean and no abnormality demonstrated! yessssss!!! Thank U Jesus!!!! Glory!!!

The throactic is much more difficult to understand at the end it says minimal disc changes.....the docs originally said that it would be a longshot for anything to decrease they just wanted to stop growth so andy could live for a few i will take minimal on that part....!!!

Im so thankful for Gods healing touch on Andy....

My devotional this morning talked on miracles and the end note said
dont settle for the ordinary but expect the extraordinary!

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