Monday, October 31, 2011

Praying For Mr. Chan!

The kids were really excited to make Mr. Chan cards tonight.....Chan is a good friend from Ihop that is headed to Kenya on a missions trip to preach the gospel......Last thurs he taught on radical islam and the way its becoming more and more an obsession around this world...we watched a video called obsession/radical islam...its on youtube.....every beliver needs to see it and be pressed toward prayer.....they teach thier kids to kill, to hate, to die for sake of allah and jihad...even at 10 yrs old they have suicide bomber training......heart -wrenching....there goal is to kill every jew and christian...

But I promised that me and the kids would staurate him in prayer knowing hes headed to kenya ( an area where the radicals are)

He leaves Thursday...his family will be remaining in atlanta as he goes forth in boldness....Lord Cover mr. Chan In your Glory and your Love....

The Kids are really excited to give him the cards tomorrow at 4pm intercession
Please keep our dear friends The Pridgen's in prayer!!!

Mr. Chan loved the cards, got teary eyed and is bringing the cards to africa with him...he said he would sit the kids down personally and give him testimonies when he returns!

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