Sunday, October 24, 2010


Well Andy became really weak since weve been in wv. We had a morning of major confusion and he was incoherent so we headed to the hospital.
he was admitted over night and ended up being dehydrated and sugar was sky rocketing... so the good thing was that we were able to get control on those things. Andy is in no shape to travel back to nj so wv here we your magic!
we'll be seeing a cancer doc next week and seeing what the next step is for andy.
all we know is that tumors have shrunk in spine but the brain has increased...and maybe why hes been acting like hes experiencing dimensia...were back at his moms now

This war is not over and were not giving up by any means but it is heart breaking and gut wrenching to see him this way.
Prayer warriors rise up....God is still on the throne

Friday, October 15, 2010

Bye Bye Tumors!!!

Ok so today is a go0o0o day for us!
Andy had 2 mris this week  the full spine and the full brain...we dont have the brain reports yet but the 2 sections of the spine he got done was lumbar and thoractic....
Where there once were tumors on the lumbar are no more....not docs words but the report says there clean and no abnormality demonstrated! yessssss!!! Thank U Jesus!!!! Glory!!!

The throactic is much more difficult to understand at the end it says minimal disc changes.....the docs originally said that it would be a longshot for anything to decrease they just wanted to stop growth so andy could live for a few i will take minimal on that part....!!!

Im so thankful for Gods healing touch on Andy....

My devotional this morning talked on miracles and the end note said
dont settle for the ordinary but expect the extraordinary!

SleepyTrav and Aunt Pinny!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

God is still in the blessing business!

Well Today was a positive day!
When Andy first got his sugar tested at sloan a little over a week ago the doc was really concerned it was pretty high... And he had to increase the steroids for andys headaches which would raise it more so he wanted us to get a primary so he could start on insulin asap....

We couldnt get a appt until today and andy has been on the increased steroids...his sugar was 170 i believe and just needs to take a pill to bring it down some....

Our first breakthrough...Hallelujah!!!

Andys sloan doc wants andy to get mri's this week so he can have his own copy since he will be treating him....
so i will keep you updated on the results...

Andys spirits are great....We are in prayer alot together and when he enjoys when i read Gods word to him and is really being blessed by the book....suprised by healing....

He's looking forward to his parents coming in for the weekend so keep them in prayer as they travel.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Every Day is a gift from God

Well we came to NJ to find physical healing for Andy. What we have gotten unexpectedly is Spiritual healing!
God has really been pruning us and  rising us up to not only be fighters but spiritual soldiers...
After praying we felt that This isnt just a war of flesh and blood but a Spiritual one too... So we have been under Quarentine so to speak...

We have  given up things for now that have any negetive influence on us at all.  And Spending all our time in the word,speaking it over Andy and in Prayer together...We have never felt more encouraged and closer.We have a lot of people that think this is whats right whispering in our ears all over but we want to hear from God and be lead by only him . Because only HE knows whats best for us....

In doing that I have seen a major physical and spiritual change in Andy...Hallelujah!
When he first came to NJ he couldnt get out of bed to sit through a meal and yesterday we were at church with friends laughing,praying and having sweet fellowship until midnight...God is so faithful...Everyday he is restoring Andy more and more...

As many of you know we have been waititng for Gods leading on where the next step to live is and we were praying super hard because we want it to bo so God lead ...and a place where we can grow so spiritually strong together...A place of refuge...

Mom is moving out in days and as far as yesterday still no place to go...Yes, i admit i was getting discouraged because in just a week God has provided everything else we have needed and have transformed our prayerlife and walk.

As i was driving today i heard that snipet of a song..."hold fast, help is on the way!"

Then my phone rang and it was Robin with news that someone she knows had cancer and knows our story and our struggles and wants to get us a place to live.....not only that but talked to the mayor and a few higher up and want us to open an account so they could help pour in some finances.

We are so richly blessed....Im so Thankful for Gods healing touch on my husband and the wonderful doors he has opened....Theres alot of fundraisers that are going to be coming together so i will keep you posted on those when i find out more...

Keep us in your prayers that we will be so sensitive to what God wants in us and through us....That we wouldnt take a step in front or behind but that we would walk hand in hand with him...

God has placed 2 very special mentors in our lives here that have invested in us,taught and  lead us in the right direction....Such kindred spirits that when were together we draw stregnth from one another...Thank You God for your many ,many blessings!!!

By His Stripes We Are Healed....Thank You Jesus!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Wives...1 peter 3:1-4

Wives, be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the Word,they will be won over without words by the behavior of thier wives ,(2) when they see the purity and reverence of your lives.

(3) Your beauty beauty should not come from outward adornment,such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. (4) Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in Gods sight.

Dont know why i was led to share just wanting to be obedient!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Our 1st Doc Appt in NJ

Me,Mom, and especially Andy had a very long day yesterday. We were in Sloans Basking Ridge branch all morning. When we met out nurse we immediately felt a connection. She was very personable and informative. She gave us a lot of information to read up on and look into. We did not leave her empty handed.

Then Doc Gavrilivick came in and was very straight forward with us,He wanted us to know how andgry Andys cancer really is and what we need to prepare for.
They  have decided that Temedor is the best drug option for now because of the brain penetration.
We asked some very scarry questions

Whats andys life expectancy?
Is there a cure?
Whats going to happen?

He was very honest with us and told us Andys Cancer is the worst...agrressive and angry...  and when the cells grow and form tumors they cover the worst possible places they could.
They're hope is that this drug will stop growth and extend his life and if it shrinks ...THATS A BONUS!

but that worst case scenerio hell be gone in 2 case with treatment and all
3-6 months to live...That this cancer was so rare and dosnt usually grow to the places that Andys has its all experimental at this point...but that the cancer is covering his spine and brain at this moment.

That was hard to swallow...Thank God My mom was with me....I cried like a baby in that office.
We knew the cancer was rare and it was a longshot but for a doc to stare at u in the face and say that...wheeew   I couldnt contain myself.
I had to leave when andy was getting his tests so i could collect myself. I try to be as strong as i can for Andy but sometimes i cant control it.

The doc reccomended being here so they could start treating him and getting us as many resources for help as possible.

When me and Andy talked we both knew we needed to be here.
We both felt very comfortable and very well informed before we left that day.
we left with folders of all kind of information and teaching on the chemo pill hell be taking . We did not leave empty handed thats for sure.

We spent the day crying, holding each other,praying and crying.

I know that we made the right choice. And one reason I deleted my facebook was because this is a very crucial time for us and have been hit by negetivity on there from people that we thought were very close to us and didnt want to hear anyone tell us we made the wrong descision.

His cough isnt due to nemonia(i know i spelled it wrong)
its due to cancer progresion...results from Chest scan

Andys blood sugar is high and thats why he is so thirsty all the time and the steroids will make it higher so today I will be finding him a local family doc so that we can monitor it before it gets too bad.

Still believeing God for our miracle....We will never give up our Faith and our Hope!

I have so much more to say but there is a 1 yr old that wants to wake up and play.

Psalms 4:4-6
"Stand before the Lord in awe, and do not sin against him. Lie quietly on your bed in silent meditation.
Put your trust in the Lord,and offer him pleasing sacrifices. Many will say that God you wont help us.Prove them wrong by letting the light of your face shine down upon us.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Were in NJ

So Andy flew out from cincinnati yesterday and I made the road trip with 2 toddlers and a fiesty
13 hrs later here we are peppy as ever... 4 redbulls,a vault, and a coffee...hey at least im happy and not

Our apt is tomorrow early early so I will keep updating as i get a chance....Right now Andys coughing alot and all around doesnt feel well. He doesnt have pretty much an appetite at all so were substituting with Ensure and he likes it ok....

Love and Prayers,
The Hayes'

Monday, September 27, 2010

sloan kettering in ny

 friends and family pray your little hearts out!

Just called sloan -got one of the docs to look at his records...there calling me back today...Andy has been in bad shape the past few bed with a whooping cough...hes sopposed to start a drug today in cincy that has a 20% chance of working with side effects on top of everythin...g hes dealing with now...Pray the docs in NY have positive news!!!See More

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Andy's Update

The results of Andy's MRI from last Friday showed slight tumor progression along with a couple of new spots toward the front of the brain on the right side. He saw both the radiation oncologist and my medical oncologist. They agree that at this point neither surgery (would not be able to remove entire tumor) or radiation (disease is too wide spread throughout the brain and they don’t want to give radiation to my whole brain again because of the toxicity). The scans also showed a couple of small spots on my lungs and a spot on the back of my neck. They said that the spots were too small to be able to tell what they were so I may need additional testing to determine if these spots are cancerous or not.

They said that we have went through the typical treatment options for the type and location of my cancer. However, they also said that the specific cancer that Andy has is very rare in the location that he has it. There are two clinical trials that he may be eligible for that have looked very promising. One of these trials has not been tested on humans yet, just cells and animals. The other trial is a drug that has been developed from Taxol (a chemo drug that he was previously on). This drug is a modified chemical chemo drug that was developed to use after Taxol has failed.

They have indicated that they should be able to get me into one of these trials by the end of the month.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

from the land of the waiting!

so andy had his mri on fri. but we still dont have a doc appt until wed.

andy looked at it but i cant tell whats what. he doesnt think the chemo drug he was on minus the radiation did anything to shrink onto the next strategy the docs might have.

Im so ready to have my happy family back...:(

All i can do is trust in God and believe there is a healing power in him!

this song has brought me much stregnth in the next post...hope its an encouragement to you too!

God Bless!

Josh Wilson - Before the Morning with Lyrics

Just had to share some adorable pics from yesterdays family shoot...enjoy!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Its Friday ...get me outta this house!

So its def a day to get out of the house. Kinda been inside all week and need to break free!
After Jenna gets up from her nap me and the kiddos are headed to KI for some well deserved fun!

Its been a very emotional week here...and Andys MRI is today so were hopeful,a bit scared and nervous...Praying and hoping for the best! I just dont think i could handle any more negetive news....Im just exhausted....i need a good report!

He wont have a doc appt until wed. to go over the MRI but by this eve he'll be home and can view the cd and compare to the previous ones ...hes had enough to probably see the change in it.

So I will keep you all posted and it unfolds...

So Mommy went to her weight watchers meeting last night and lost 10.2 lbs in 3 weeks....yay...go me!
When i first started ww the lady said to me if we can have 1 thing that we can control in order like our weight...that we can do something about than the things that are out of our control wont seem so out of control and that really has stuck with me...why emotionally eat and have my body suffer thise consequences....
what a painful cuz were sad, then look in the mirror and be sad and dsicouraged.
No Thank You....Im ready for a change!

I'll end with an argument me and Travi were having this morning...hes a trip!

Mommy: Travi I told you not to touch that,If you dont listen you'll have to go to your room.

Travi:   But mommy Why?

Mommy:  Because your not listening, and you know your not sopposed to open and close the door.

Travi:     Why?

Mommy: Because im the mom thats why.

Travi:  Well Im the Travi!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

updates and all

 sorry for the lack of posts...ive been working hard on getting my business up and running....Lots of new faces and im excited about it!
And a brand spankin new family webpage is in the works with a lot more room for updates,pics...etc

but for now Andy got a pet scan yesterday to see if theres cancer anywhere else...he gets the results tomorrow from it. so i will keep you posted on that.The Docs also took him off of the Chemo drug until the MRI so maybe his rash and sores can heal.

Im not sure of the date but late this month he is getting another MRI so keep a 100% recovery in your prayers.
We are all (ESPEACIALLY ANDY) just worn out and want this to be over more than anything else in this world....
To be able to wake up and know its all going to be ok is the desire of my heart. its so hard not to know an outcome.
I guess where that Trusting comes in but still very hard to do at times...
Also  please keep our son Travis in your prayers.

Hes having some major outbursts and fits of rage that i dont think it normal....every 3 yr old has meltdowns,tantrums...etc

but tonight i gave him hugs after i sang him songs....and he wanted one more and i shut the be there all night if he played the one more game over and over...

and as most nights he wigged kicked,screamed,banged at the door....but then he took his lamp and ripped it from the outlet and was smashing it against the door. took his dresser apart in a rage...when we opened the door to see what was going on...he flew out and threw himself down the stairs because he was mad he didnt get one more wasnt accidental he did a swan dive and hit midway down. i was just so upset watching this. he didnt even flinch when he reached the bottom he was running and screaming because he knew andy was headed after was bad!

most nights we have to hold his door while he screams and bangs until he falls asleep...
or hell play us all night and demand his way.....he told me the other day that Travi calls the

We've been sticking to the 1 2 3 magic for christian parents and it has worked really well.. better than anything and weve tried it all!

but the bedtime i am just lost....
Is this normal?
suggestions please
PS: the spanking thing does not doesnt even faze him

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th Of July!

Happy 4th of July!
We had a great time at our party at church!
It was hot but very fun...Travi got his face painted as a puppy,Jenna ate hotdogs,The Kings Brass played,and Travi got to be with all his friends on the slides...

Hope you all have had a wonderful Independence Day!!!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Our Disney vacationpart 1

we had a MAGICAL time in disney wanted to give u a sneak peak of some pics...hope you enjoy!
lots more coming soon!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Freaky Hot Friday!

So i dont know what happened to springtime...its 90 everyday... and i miss that seabreze from the coast...once in a blue moon we'll get a slight breze....ugh

We ventured out to the mall today and played a bit in the play area. Jenna knows where the exuit is and flys towards it everytime.
My little darlings both woke up at 6am this morning...i was so not feeling it!
Travis is getting so excited for Disney! he says 1 more week and im gonna see Mickey Mouse...Yay!!!
Lots to be excited about. Its been a while since we got away as a family. and it will be good to be excited for something together!
Have a great weekend...stay cool!!!

9 more dayzZzzZzZZz....

9 more days until we fly to disney...were all getting so pumped!
I booked our Character dinner last night for when we get there with goofy,pluto,rafiki,and timon!!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Action Packed Weekend!

Well Its been quite a busy weekend already. Yesterday me and the kiddies went back to the spray park and it was packed. Travis was there one minute gone the next. I couldnt find him anywhere. my heart skipped several beats!!! What a horrible feeling for a parent to have to go through. I was calling his name( more like screaming) and panicking when he wasnt responding to me.

so after running around like crazy looking for him, i see him sitting at a picnic table at a b-day party...eating and laughing with the he was part of the group....uggggh!

He was having a great time as i was losing my mind. He wasnt happy when i took him away....he was yelling birthday

today we headed to Kings Island and spent the whole evening there. We started in the waterpark and took the train over to the dry part later.
Travi cruised on water slides as jenna just enjoyed splashing around in the water and eating her choc chip cookies.
We ate pizza and ice was a good night...:)

Both kiddies are snoozing in there beds and were headed to indiana in the morning to visit mimi and poppi Karl...

I got Jennas outfit for her 1st b-day exciting , I cant wait to show her off more!

Nite Nite friends