Friday, November 14, 2008

Happy Fall Ya'll!

I havent wrote in a while,
Life has been busy,busy!

Today we went to the helicopter park and Travis played forever going up the steps and down the slide.He was so proud of himself to do it alone.

It was so pretty out.High 60's...perfect!
I dont want the weather to change.
Travi took a 3 hr nap,he wore himself out..haha

Then we went to go pick him up a lil tyles garden with the veggies,mailbox...etc
someone was giving it away for free on craigslist.
I made sure we scooped that up.

He played in it until he feel asleep tonight.
He tryed his first kid cuisine too!
I handed him a corn dog and he didnt know what to do with it...haha
he was banging himself on top of the head with it and i had to show him how it was food...:)

We had a hard week with Travis. Hes not a library child or one that will venture off on his own very long ,so it gets difficult to do things where i cant give him the attention he wants.
It becomes very frustrating for me.
I just need to stay away from the meet and mingles for a while and do more active things with him.
Sometimes i feel frustrated i never get to enjoy talking to other moms or listening to the speakers they have...
sometimes i feel like why leave the house?
i know im gonna come home emotionally and physically exhausted...
is the inside of my townhouse the only place ill see this winter?

Hes so much better in his own enviroment,but ill just go crazy!!!!!

But God is good, and Iknow He'll help me to get through these hard phases......


Heather D said...

I know exactly how you feel. I could never go anywhere and mingle with Trevor in tow. Forget about it now with 3. You will find the strength. It took a while for me, but eventually I figured out what I could and couldn't do. Museum Center and Aquarium are great places to go during the winter to get out. The Bethel Library has s lot of toys and such. Good luck and let me know when you want to get together.

Anonymous said...

hi kelly
it's pam, just looking at your pictures. It sounds like you are feeling a little overwhelmed with wild child Travis. Just remember, he is a sweetheart and trust me, some day you're gonna wish these days were back. Love ya and praying for you.

Hayes Family said...

Thanks guys for the comments!
Heather how u do it have the patience of Job!
I envy do u find the energy???
Id love to get together...
I babysit a 4 month old mon-thurs
we can do it any day youd like!

also thanks Pam...these fits are extremely wild...whew
its not the same Travi i know. I will take it all in though...
love you!